
NEP Compliance

The National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) is a transformative reform for India's education system. It emphasizes a shift from rote learning to a more holistic and skill-based approach, equipping graduates with the tools they need to thrive in the dynamic job market of the 21st century. Key features of NEP 2020 to assure holistic development of individual include Learning outcome Based Education, Focus on Critical Thinking and problem solving, Multidisciplinary Learning, Multiple entry-exit, value-based development and more.

Medhavi Skills University stands out as one of the first North-Eastern universities to fully embrace NEP 2020 since its inception in the Year 2021. Our industry integrated undergraduate and postgraduate programs across diverse fields like management, healthcare, and IT are meticulously designed to comply to NEP guidelines. Aligned with the guidelines of National Credit Framework (NCrF), and National Higher Education Qualification Framework (NHEQF), MSU is leading the integration of prior learning to career progression through formal education.

Integration of Vocational Skills

Curriculum aligned to industry skills through on job learning at internship, apprenticeships.

Multidisciplinary Learning

Skill Electives (Skill Drill) and Professional Minor Electives along with Major to explore and develop competencies in diverse domains.

Holistic Development

Emphasis on Communication skills, Life skills, Value based courses, and Technology for the all-around growth.

Multiple Entry/Exit

Opportunities for early joiners at the workforce for an exit and re-entry at the relevant semester to continue to the next level.

Outcome-Based Education

with focus on outcomes at Programme, Course, and Topic level for a productive learning mapped assessment.

Continuous Assessment

Technology is extensively integrated into teaching and learning to overcome language barriers and enhance educational planning and management.

Digital-learning Ecosystem

integration of Technology with teaching and learning to enhance the experience in order to meet the future.

Teacher’s Training

Upskilling/Reskilling programs and workshops focused on several aspects of development for teaching professionals to evolve as Ambassadors for future of education and skilling.


with emphasis on industry relevant skills mapped to the curriculum and practical learning to assure employability.

Unifying Academic and Vocational Tracks

paving the way to create pathway of progression in Academics for youth with vocational tracks and work experience.